Electric Love Music Festival

Three custom stages with state of the art audiovisual experiencest. This four day transformational music & arts festival was ranked as one of BC's 5 Best Electronic Music Festivals by the Georgia Straight in 2017. #danceandbefree. 

Goa pete

Dj Goa Pete is originally from India, currently based in Vancouver, Canada. Pete is a label Dj at Iono-Music and promoter at Goa Trance Mission events & promotions, where he organizes indoor and outdoor parties in Vancouver, essentially trance & techno dance gatherings.

Pete visited Goa for the first time in 1989, this became a yearly ritual for him. Visiting Goa for many seasons and hanging out at the Goa parties eventually changed his life completely. His passion for music grew with him, eventually moving to Goa with his equipment and taking up a guest house on the beaches of Goa.

In 2001, Pete moved from Goa to Vancouver, hence he became famous as "Goa Pete". With blissed and relaxed energy on stage, Pete enjoys putting together a good track selection for some well crafted sets. Enjoy the beautiful art of sonic alchemy!!!!