Electric Love Music Festival

Three custom stages with state of the art audiovisual experiencest. This four day transformational music & arts festival was ranked as one of BC's 5 Best Electronic Music Festivals by the Georgia Straight in 2017. #danceandbefree. 

juno reactor


Juno Reactor ranks among the all-time greats of electronic music as essential innovators. From their eight studio albums, “Transmissions” being the first Trance album, Scoring many films to performing their stunning live shows around the world at major music festivals, Glastonbury, Roskilde, Fuji Rock, The Glade, Boom, Ozora, and many more.

Juno Reactor are known for their cinematic fusion of electronic, global  influences, and a dynamic orchestral approach, working with composer Don Davis for the score of The Matrix Trilogy. Central to the project is Ben Watkins and his collaborations with a constantly changing ensemble of musicians from across the world.